Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Compare And Contrastusing Apa Style. Nori Mosqueda Rivera.

Compare and Contrast Using APA Style Nori Mosqueda Rivera Northcentral University The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast two famous educators using APA Style. This paper will talk about theories of Piaget and Vygotsky in which similarities and differences in their theories will be discussed. At the end of this paper, you will be able to understand the differences and the and similarities between both famous educators. If we take a brief look and compare Piaget s Theory with Vygotsky Theory we will see that Piaget Theory was a Constructivist Theory, while Vygotsky Theory was a Sociocultural Theory/Social Development Theory. In this paper you will get a brief understanding of both Piaget and Vygotsky Theories†¦show more content†¦In Sensorimotor stage, that starts at age 2 and the children would build ideas or concepts while being with the ones that take care of them or their parents. In Pre-operational, that is children ages 2 to 7 and this is where the child is relating to people or objects such as their parents, cousins, books, pets, etc and the children are unable to understand abstract concepts. In Concrete Operations, that is children ages 7 to 11 children are now able to form a concept or idea to develop a structure of logicalness, and then there are Formal Operations, this stage started at 11 to 15. At this stage, the child is able to use concepts and reasoning. Their cognitive s tructures at this point are about the same as an adult. Vygotsky’s main Theory is the Social Development Theory. He was known for his Sociocultural Theory. With this theory, he talks about how children’s behaviors, as well as their thoughts, can differ because of cultures and how they are raised. The children’s interactions change according to their cultures and teachings.His theory suggests that the children’s development is according to their cultures and how they are raised, the children have their own view of their world depending on their way they are taught and the tools that they are given as they grow up. Vygotsky talks about imitative learning, instructed learning, and collaborative learning. Imitative learning is where the child learns from watching

Friday, May 15, 2020

What a Fulgurite Is and How To Make One

The word fulgurite comes from the Latin word  fulgur, which means thunderbolt.  A fulgurite or petrified lightning  is a glass tube formed when electricity strikes sand. Usually, fulgurites are hollow, with a rough exterior and smooth interior. Lightning from thunderstorms makes most fulgurites, but they also form from atomic blasts, meteor strikes and from man-made high voltage devices falling onto the ground. Fulgurite Chemistry Fulgurites typically form in sand, which is mostly silicon dioxide. The melted sand forms a glass that is called lechatelierite. Lechatelierite is an amorphous material that is considered to be a mineraloid, similar to obsidian. Fulgurites come in a range of colors, including translucent white, tan, black and green. The coloration comes from impurities in the sand. Make a Fulgurite - Safe Method Fulgurites occur naturally, but there are a couple of ways you can make petrified lightning yourself.  Dont put yourself at risk of a lightning strike! The best way to make a fulgurite is to be safely indoors when its stormy outside. Check the weather forecast to find out when lightning activity is expected. Radar is good or refers to special maps for your area that record lightning strikes. You must complete preparation for a fulgurite several hours (or longer) before the storm arrives.Drive a lightning rod or length of rebar into the sand about 12 inches to 18 inches and extending up into the air. You can set up colored sand or some granular mineral besides quartz sand if you prefer. There is no guarantee lightning will strike your lightning rod, but you improve your chances if you select an open area where the metal is higher than the surroundings. Choose an area far from people, animals or structures.When lightning approaches, be far away from your fulgurite project! Do not check on whether you make a fulgurite until several hours after the storm has passed.The rod and sand will be extremely hot after a lightning strike. Use care when checking for a fulgurite so that you dont burn yourself. Fulgurites are fra gile, so dig around it to expose it before removing it from the surrounding sand. Rinse excess sand with running water. Rocket Fulgurites You can go the Ben Franklin route making a fulgurite by drawing the lightning down to a bucket of sand. This method involves launching a D model rocket toward a thunderhead that is estimated to be due to discharge. A spool of thin copper wire connects the bucket to the rocket. While said to be quite successful, this method is extraordinarily dangerous because the lightning doesnt just follow the wire back to the bucket. It additionally follows the wire and the area around it back to the trigger used to launch the rocket... and you! Simulated Lightning Fulgurites A safer, though someone expensive method, is to use an xfmr or transformer to force man-made lightning into silica or another oxide. This technique fuses the sand into lechatelierite, although it is much more difficult to achieve the branched effect seen in natural fulgurites.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Eye Opener The Mind And Body - 1478 Words

Samantha Benton Mitchell English 4 October 28 2015 Eye Opener: The Mind and Body High School can be a very strenuous time for teenagers. They can develop many different types of disorders. One type of disorder that is becoming very common in the everyday high school aged student are eating disorders. Even though some people believe it is normal to have an eating disorder, people should be aware of the different kind of eating disorders because it is easy to develop these kinds of illnesses and too many innocent teenagers are dying from these unhealthy life choices. There are different types of eating disorders but the most common are Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating. It is only human to wish to look differently or†¦show more content†¦The biggest challenge of this disorder is getting the person to recognize that they have an illness. â€Å"The first step in anorexia recovery is admitting that one’s relentless pursuit of thinness is out of control and acknowledging the physical and emotional damage that one has suffered because of it†(Anorexia Nervosa: Signs Symptoms, causes, and treatments). Binge eating often occurs among teenagers and young adults. Both girls and boys can have it. It is slightly less common then most known eating disorders, but it to can harm one’s health. Unlike Anorexia Nervosa, one does not purge or have excessive exercising habits. â€Å"Binge eating means eating large amounts of food, much more than one would need, in one sitting† (Goldberg, Binge eating disorders in Kids and Teens). This disorder normally goes hand in hand with depression. People who have this disorder use to food to cope with stress or any other negative emotions. Beating this mental battle is not about willpower. Recovery is not easy, but it is possible. â€Å"People with binge eating disorder have a greater risk of developing another psychiatric illness† (Binge Eating disorders: Facts on symptoms and treatments). Many people that have this disorder are embarrassed and ashamed of their eating habits, so they often try to hide and eat in secret. Binge eatin g disorder is a medical disease that can result in irreversible health

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Plastic Surgery free essay sample

A notable proportion of society has become grossly fixated on plastic surgery, with people attempting to buy back their youth, or to buy a similar face/body to that of their superstar idol. Surgeons are cashing in on people’s insecurities, using the knife as a magic wand for superficial happiness. With an increase in the number of deaths attributed to plastic surgery, and a massive rise in Botox addiction, unnecessarily altering ones appearance on the operating table is a contentious topic of moral debate. Recently, media attention has been focused on certain types of cosmetic surgery that are rapidly increasing among adolescent females in the United States. This trend raises disturbing ethical issues for the surgeons faced with young, impressionable patients. Although surgery to reshape the nose is still the most frequent, other procedures have increased rapidly since 1992. These include breast augmentation, collagen injection, eyelid surgery, liposuction, and tummy tuck. It also help to increase confidence and self-worth generally result in being more comfortable around other people. Yes, it so nice to be beautiful but what will be the risk after having a plastic surgery? The performance of plastic surgery is dangerous and there are always side effects. The surgery performed by doctors is not 100% successful and there is always room for error. Every surgery done to our body carries risks and can result in mistakes or even death. One of the most common mistakes people make when getting cosmetic surgery is using the wrong doctor. If you choose the wrong doctor or a doctor that is not certified, you could be risking your health and your life in some cases like complications, imperfect results, slow healing. Plastic surgeries usually cost a fortune and cannot be availed by everyone. There are lots of disadvantages and risks on having plastic surgery. Despite all these, there are still many people who want to have plastic surgery. There are studies found that there is a better chance of getting job if the person is beautiful and they also have a better chance of reviewing higher salaries. Attractive people are often locked upon with favor because they have a positive characteristic such as intelligence, competence and moral virtue. Having plastic surgery has become more of a want than a need because there are people who are still having plastic surgery even though they have a natural figure. Plastic surgery has a shelf life, how do you think a medical treatment, that is supposed to defy aging can withstand the test of time? People nowadays are living with fake physical appearance. People need to learn to accept who they are and learn to cope with themselves. We were all specifically chosen by god, and our differences in our appearance make us unique. We cannot just simply destroy the work of god; in life, we have to overcome our flaws and not be negative about it, we have to love our flaws and flaunt it. I think accepting what you look like is the first step in accepting yourself as an individual. Everyone should explore options before taking a costly surgery. Happiness can be achieved, but not through surgery. People need to  ­embrace their differences instead of trying to erase them. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. † Furthermore, we should be satisfied with the way we look because god loves us just the way we are. Outer appearance does not matter in the eyes of god as much as the internal beauty does, our delightful personality will outshine our flaws any day. Let’s be contented and thankful to god because being a natural is better than becoming part of the fake world.