Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Eye Opener The Mind And Body - 1478 Words

Samantha Benton Mitchell English 4 October 28 2015 Eye Opener: The Mind and Body High School can be a very strenuous time for teenagers. They can develop many different types of disorders. One type of disorder that is becoming very common in the everyday high school aged student are eating disorders. Even though some people believe it is normal to have an eating disorder, people should be aware of the different kind of eating disorders because it is easy to develop these kinds of illnesses and too many innocent teenagers are dying from these unhealthy life choices. There are different types of eating disorders but the most common are Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating. It is only human to wish to look differently or†¦show more content†¦The biggest challenge of this disorder is getting the person to recognize that they have an illness. â€Å"The first step in anorexia recovery is admitting that one’s relentless pursuit of thinness is out of control and acknowledging the physical and emotional damage that one has suffered because of it†(Anorexia Nervosa: Signs Symptoms, causes, and treatments). Binge eating often occurs among teenagers and young adults. Both girls and boys can have it. It is slightly less common then most known eating disorders, but it to can harm one’s health. Unlike Anorexia Nervosa, one does not purge or have excessive exercising habits. â€Å"Binge eating means eating large amounts of food, much more than one would need, in one sitting† (Goldberg, Binge eating disorders in Kids and Teens). This disorder normally goes hand in hand with depression. People who have this disorder use to food to cope with stress or any other negative emotions. Beating this mental battle is not about willpower. Recovery is not easy, but it is possible. â€Å"People with binge eating disorder have a greater risk of developing another psychiatric illness† (Binge Eating disorders: Facts on symptoms and treatments). Many people that have this disorder are embarrassed and ashamed of their eating habits, so they often try to hide and eat in secret. Binge eatin g disorder is a medical disease that can result in irreversible health

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